
How to pass the CIA exam ASAP(after)




・Mandatory Guidance(40H以上投入済)
・Control Frameworks(40H以上投入済)

・Multiple Choice-1(20問)
・Focused Questions (30問)
・Multiple Choice-2 (20問)
・Test Prep (20問x2)

・コントロールのタイプと技法(とくにApprove, Record, Custodyの切り分け)
が正答率が70%を下回っていましたので、この3つを集中的にTest Prepで朝晩解いて

・Mandatory GuidanceとControl Frameworksのノートを半日かけて見直し。




When I look back the last one month to my final test, I thought if I could do this from the beginning, I could pass within three months or so.  (For the native level English users, please divide the number of hours by 2.5 or more.)

But you know the life.  There were sometimes unavoidable family matters, work conditions, and socializing.  I had been accepting such situations with limited time resources.  So if I haven't started with "GLEIM Premium CIA Review, with Access Until You Pass" (GLEIM, 2017), I would never be back on the exam seat.
I could come back anytime, cheered by Personal Counselor with advice, and refresh my study archive if I want, with accessing the newest contents.

I reserved the test day at the end of March.  And at that time, relatively large scale audit field work was running in February, I have only March, and would be able to allocate 70 hours(H) or so.

But, beforehand, I had prepared some original summary note from the text for,
-Mandatory Guidance (spent more than 40H)
-Control Frameworks (spent more than 40H)
-Sampling (spent more than 50H)
to flashback my understanding within a few hours together with the nice clue from the GLEIM text book.

For the study plan, I allocated three days for each study units.  Part I is composed of seven study units and each study unit contains 110 quizzes.
・Multiple Choice-1(20 quizzes)
・Focused Questions (30 quizzes)
・Multiple Choice-2 (20 quizzes)
・Test Prep (20x2=40 quizzes)
I was able to answer correctly for almost 70% at that stage.  So I made a note for the each of 20-30 quizzes to which I went wrong.  The note is regarding,
-what is asked in this quizze?
-why this choice is correct?
-why I couldn't select this.
-why I selected this wrong choice?
-(especially) why this is wrong?
And I had kept trying to answer correctly above 90% within three days.

Study work load was like the following.

2H for weekdays and 4H for weekends
makes 18H per week (54H for three weeks).
Or 7 study units x (110 quizes x 1 minute + reviewing 30 quizes x 10 minutes.)=7x 410 , about 48 hours.

Then, there was still one more week to go.

Firstly, I took "Exam rehearsal"(GLEIM, 2017).
It takes 150min. the same as the real exam.
The result was 85% correct, a little behind from my colleague's advice from India, 90%.  But it shows I am very close to pass!!

I had intensively reviewed the following area which is below 70% with "Test Bank"(GLEIM, 2017).
- Sampling
- Reporting, Work Papers, and Evidence
- Control: types and techniques
  (especially segregation of Approve, Record, and Custody)
I had spent 5H for three days.

For the last three days,  I had reviewed all of my notes, then sit for the exam.

The result showed above is the sufficient study for me.  During the test, I had a very strange feeling.  After I have selected the choice as the correct answer, sometimes the image of the reason why the others were wrong, automatically came up in my mind.  I would be more than happy if I can share such an enjoyable challenge with you someday.

Thank you for everything.  I hope we can meet or work together soon as it's a very small world.

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