
属性サンプリング【結果の評価】Attribute Sampling【Auditor Judgement】







このテーブルから(*過誤採択のリスクを5%としたときの)サンプリング数ごとに実際に発生した逸脱率に、母集団を推定する際に考慮すべきサンプリング失敗への許容度を加えた、上限許容逸脱率(UDL: Upper Deviation Limits)が得られます。サンプル数が増えれば、サンプリング失敗の許容度は小さくなります。(見落としはありえないと...)












(This is just a self-made analogy for memorization)

One tennis player is evaluating the control ability of the first service in official matches.

Assuming that the average number of "service games" in a 3-set match is 12, there are 3 matches a week and 1800 service games a year. The population will be 5,000 in less than three years. (Evaluation is based only on the success, not-fault, rate of the services, and it does not matter whether the points are won or lost. Tie-Breaker is omitted for simplicity.)

This player believes that the control of the service is effective if the success rate of the first service for each service game is kept at 70%. (If there are 10 first services in one service game, 7 are valid.)

On average over three years, this player's service game control has been recently announced as effective with a 97.5% confidence. (97.5% of service games have more than 70% success in the first service.)

Now let's evaluate this announcement by sampling to verify the score sheet and determine if the current service control is valid.

AICPA tables are provided as standard for the population estimation.

At first, from this table, UDL(Upper Deviation Limits) rate can be obtained.
This number comes from actual deviations from the extracted samples, considering the sampling risk tolerance at estimating the population  (* at the risk of overreliance is 5%) 

As the number of samples increases, the tolerance for sampling failures decreases. (There should be less oversight ...)

* The risk of the overreliance of 5% means that 95%, which is subtracted from 100%, is the confidence level, and the probability that the first service control in the service game is OK is 95%. That is, the probability that a randomly selected sample (service game) is OK is 95%.

In this case here, when 150 service games were randomly selected, 3 NG games were found.

The UDL obtained from the AICPA table is 5.1% for 150 samples and 3 deviations.
This means that the deviation rate in the population will never exceed 5.1%.
If this UDL exceeds the preset limit of tolerance (allowable deviation rate, this time let's set to 6%), deviations that do not fall here may be overlooked by sampling error, which means there is a risk of being overconfident in the first service control. And when the deviation rate in the population exceeds the tolerable deviation rate, the evaluation becomes meaningless, but in this case, it should be no worry.

In addition, if the occurrence deviation rate in the sample exceeds the expected deviation rate (100-97.5% = 2.5%), the UDL will exceed the permissible deviation rate of 6% under the assumed risk of overreliance. We do not support the conclusion that such a sample has sufficient service control for this player. (In the above example, 3/150 = 2%, so there is no problem)

For example, when there are 6 deviations in the above case, the occurrence deviation rate (6/150 = 4%) exceeds the expected deviation rate (100-97.5% = 2.5%), and the UDL is also 7.8% and exceeds the tolerable rate of 6%. We should be worried about this sampling.

In this case, if we increase the number of samples from 150 to 200, the UDL will be 5.9% and the tolerable deviation rate will be less than 6%. Therefore, if there is no deviation in the added 50 samples, this evaluation As for, the control is OK.

Considering the reality, each deviation example needs to be analyzed from the viewpoint of (game aspect, opponent, ball type, course, form, etc.). Of course, some games are overwhelmingly more important than others. Sampling can draw conclusions about the entire population, but it should not replace individual judgment based on good intuition and experience.

As far as the discussion here is concerned, if the UDL exceeds the tolerable deviation rate (6%), the auditor will be worried, "Is it okay?"

Furthermore, even if the sampling is OK
when the UDL exceeds the POPULATION  the effectiveness of this sampling test is questioned.
(Overreliance on control)

Also, though the sampling is NG,
if the UDL of the POPULATION is under the tolerable deviation rate, the efficiency of this sampling test is questioned.
(Underreliance on control)

Consequently, the higher the self-confidence (Confidence level), the more samples (the check becomes stricter).
The higher the expected deviation rate (because of more variability), the more samples (more rigorous checks).
If the tolerable deviation rate increases, the number of samples decreases (checking becomes more gentle).
As the population grows, so does the number of samples (but has little effect on populations above 5000).
